Data Analytics and Healthcare Systems Lab
School of Industrial Management and Engineering
College of Engineering
Korea University
Research Area
DAHS Lab's research addresses problems at the interface of artificial intelligence and clinical practice, particularly focusing on precision medicine and data-driven decision support. The overarching theme of our lab is "Beyond Data: Actionable Health AI". We aim to infuse technology to support personalized, predictive, and proactive decision makings. By partnering with hospitals and healthcare providers, we focus on actionable health AI with high impact and practicality.
Representation learning for time series data
Early warning systems and prognostic monitoring systems for precision medicine
Data-driven clinical decision support systems
Lab News
2024.11. Jeongeul Kwon, Hyunwoo Kim, Sejeong Jang, and Jonghoon Kim presented at 2024 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Medical Informatics (KOSMI).
2024.10. Hyunwoo Kim, Jonghoon Kim, and Jeongeul Kwon presented at 2024 Fall Conference of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers (KIIE).
2024. 8. Chanyoung Park successfully defended his Masters dissertation and graduated from Korea University. Congrats!
2024. 7. Funding: 정보통신기획평가원 - 디지털선도기술핵심인재양성.
2024. 6. Jeongeul Kwon and Sooho Choi presented at 2024 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Medical Informatics (KOSMI).
2024. 5. Funding: 한국연구재단/중견연구 - 다중 바이오마커 기반 심혈관질환 환자의 심장재활 운동처방 및 예후 예측 시스템 개발.
2024. 5. Gyumin Kim and Jonghoon Kim presented at 2024 Spring Conference of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers (KIIE).
2023. 12. Jeongeul Kwon won the Best Presentation Award at 2023 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Medical Informatics (KOSMI). Congrats!
2023. 12. Hyunwoo Kim, Jeongeul Kwon, and Sooho Choi presented at 2023 Fall Conference of the Korean Society of Medical Informatics (KOSMI).
2023. 11. Hyunwoo Kim, Jeongeul Kwon, Jonghoon Kim, and Sooho Choi presented at 2023 Fall Conference of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers (KIIE).
2023. 10. Chanyoung Park and Gyumin Kim presented at 2023 INFORMS Annual Meeting.
2023. 7. Funding: 한국연구재단 - 최초혁신실험실.
2023. 7. Hanie Eskandari successfully defended her PhD dissertation and received her PhD from the University of Pittsburgh. Congrats!
2023. 6. Gyumin Kim won the Best Presentation Award at 2023 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Medical Informatics (KOSMI). Congrats!
2023. 6. Hongbum Kim won the Best Poster Award at 2023 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Medical Informatics (KOSMI). Congrats!
2023. 6. Gyumin Kim and Hongbum Kim presented at 2023 Spring Conference of the Korean Society of Medical Informatics (KOSMI).
2023. 6. Received Crimson Professor Award of Excellence 2023 Award from Korea University.
2023. 6. Chanyoung Park, Gyumin Kim, and Hongbum Kim presented at 2023 Spring Conference of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers (KIIE).
2023. 3. Funding: 한국연구재단/우수신진연구 - D-BERT: 중환자 EHR을 위한 약물 상호작용 임베딩 기반의 트랜스포머.
2022. 11. Chanyoung Park presented at 2022 Fall Conference of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers (KIIE).
2022. 9. Funding: Korean Academy of Geriatric Rehabilitation Medicine - Pattern analysis through artificial intelligence based cluster analysis on postoperative functional recovery of patients with fragility hip fractures.
2022. 9. Funding: 한국연구재단/생애첫연구 - 중환자실 환자들의 개인 맞춤 약물치료를 위한 의사결정시스템 개발: 능동적 약물감시를 통한 약물이상반응 예방.
2022. 6. Chanyoung Park presented at 2022 Spring Conference of the Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers (KIIE).
2022. 5. Funding: 한국지능정보사회진흥원 - 인공지능 학습용 데이터 구축: 운동 처방 데이터.
2022. 3. Funding: 한국산업기술진흥원 - 데이터기반 유통 물류산업 전문인력양성.
2021.9. Joining as an Assistant Professor in the School of Industrial and Management Engineering at Korea University.
2020. 10. Hanie Eskandari presented at 2020 INFORMS Annual Meeting.
2020. 7. Received National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute BLOODSAFE Initiative grant by NIH for 2020-2026 on "Pathways for innovation in Blood Transfusion Systems in Kenya (PITS Kenya)".
2020. 4. Received National Institute of Neurological Disorders and and Stroke grant by NIH for 2020-2022 on "Innovative Method for Real-time Assessment of Intracranial Compliance".
2019. 9. Joining as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh.
Interested in being part of the team?
We are looking for highly motivated students! Please contact if you are interested.