
이효경 (Hyo Kyung Lee)  [CV] [google scholar]

Associate Professor

School of Industrial and Management Engineering
Korea University

Phone: 02-3290-3385
Office: 공학관 501호


Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering                                                                  2019
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA

M.S.  in Industrial and Systems Engineering                                                                  2013
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA

B.S. in Industrial Engineering                                                                                         2012
Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea

Professional Experience

Associate Professor                                                                                                        2024. 09. - Present
School of Industrial and Management Engineering
Korea University, Seoul, South Korea

Assistant Professor                                                                                                        2021. 09. - 2024.08.
School of Industrial and Management Engineering
Korea University, Seoul, South Korea

Adjunct Assistant Professor                       2021-07. - Present
Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Assistant Professor                                                                                                        2019.09 - 2021.07
Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA


Korea University                                                                                     

IMEN 319 ORII 및 실습
IMEN 361 Special Topics in Industrial Engineering-1
IMEN 383 Health Systems Engineering
IME 681 Advanced  Probabilistic Models and Applications
IME 807 Advanced Topics in Industrial Engineering-1
IME 808 Advanced Topics in Industrial Engineering-2
SDS 505 Programming for Semiconductor Data Science
SDS 506 Time Series Analysis and Forecasting

University of Pittsburgh                    
IE 2084 Stochastic Processes
IE 1185/2184 Stochastic Modeling and Data Analytics in Healthcare Operations
IE 2072 Probability

University of Wisconsin-Madison                                                                                    
ISyE 615 Production Systems Control